Personal Update

I know that I haven’t been too active on this blog for the better part of a year but what can I say, this pandemic has left me oh so uninspired. It isn’t like I haven’t been busy this whole time as I have been. I really didn’t want to do a lot of writing…

Tragically Hip Over The Years

As a long time metal head from the 1970’s I used to take a lot of flack from my buddies over some of my choices in music. My love for art rock was tolerated and why not seeing as a great many of the hard core metal bands would often cite bands like Rush, Yes…

Oh horrors of horrors – game day from hell

OK for those of you who know me know that a select group of friends and I get together on a regular bases, for decades actually, to play a game I created. The games we play are part of a yearly tournament for the Expletive Award. The trophy is very unique and the championship carries…

Front Street

A few days ago my son, the one in film school, reached out to me for a little assist on one of his class projects. He told me that the class had an assignment where they had to make up a log line based upon a story from one of their parents. For those of…