So, I was just sitting here writing a post about my expectation for a strange visitation tonight. I went on to say that I turned on my bedroom alarm clock again after more than 2 years with it being off because I was tired of seeing the same number sequences all the time. Seeing the same numbers all the time is thought to be messages from ascended masters that can be discerned by using what are known as spirit numbers. I was typing that it was time to listen to what I am supposed to be hearing even if I do not heed their portents. I went on to say that 30 years ago I closed the doors to the so-called spiritual plane out of concern for the allure of corruption that was so foul and yet oh so sweet. But after all these years I have come to understand that just because I wasn’t actively involved anymore doesn’t mean that the spiritual plane was done with me. The game continues with me whether I willingly participate or not. As I was at about this point in my writing that my entire post suddenly disappeared forcing me to write this all over again.

It is long past time for me to pick up where I left off, get active once again. No, that doesn’t mean that I am going to fall to my knees and start worshipping some ascended master like Jesus, Mohamad or Buddha. There is no point in that because what most people don’t know, and really don’t want to know, is that all the so-called ascended masters, whether they be for good or evil, serve the same Demiurge for the exact same purpose of collecting energy. I won’t go into it too much deeper here because most people prefer to take the blue pill and stay in their comfort zone over the red pill and the deep fall into the rabbit hole of truth.

Over the weekend I told a friend of mine that I felt that it was time for my activation again and he goes totally silent for a while. I knew he was remembering a particular experience of his where he had a rather unpleasant night of visitations at my house where he was physically attacked. After 30 years he is still deeply affected and wasn’t too pleased at my announcement but understood my need after recent events that have happened over the past year or so.

I am done with just letting things go on without taking some form of stance. I think the years have matured me enough to withstand the sweet stench of corruption while I correct some of the ills that have been directed at me while on this material plane of ours. I know what you are, and I have known all along but simply refused to play the game. I know where you reside, but I don’t care because I am done with your interference. You once told me that you couldn’t wait for my return so you could torment me for eternity. Well, my penance is nearly done, and I shall be coming home soon to end this cycle once and for all. It is the wait that is torturous, the literal “Hell on Earth” that tempts the inevitable, but this ride can’t be rushed, or the cycle begins once again.

Nearly 8 years have come and gone since I wrote the 4 paragraphs above. No, I did not “pick up” where I left off. I did not become active again. I recall thinking that I was going to delve deep into meditation starting the next day, but it just didn’t feel right to do so. The bizarre incidents, freakish events and alarming visitations seemed to intensify at this time, and I really didn’t want to expose my vulnerabilities while going into self imposed trances. While things seemed to have quietened down a fair amount over the years, they have not stopped all together. My desire to participate on the ethereal/spiritual plane is all but gone these days, doing so takes too much energy. Energy that I just don’t seem to want to waste any more.

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