I know that I haven’t been too active on this blog for the better part of a year but what can I say, this pandemic has left me oh so uninspired. It isn’t like I haven’t been busy this whole time as I have been.

I really didn’t want to do a lot of writing during the pandemic as anything I might have typed would have been political and the last thing I want to do is be controversial politically speaking.

It isn’t as though I am afraid to post my views or what anybody else might think about them. No, I just mostly didn’t want to think about the politics of the pandemic.

covid-19 bullshit

Some of the things that happened over the past year:

I started a new temporary, weekend job that lasted most of the year. It was a good job, got to meet some really great people and made some decent deposits to the property fund. Working 20 out of 48 hours every weekend got to be just a little too much and ended that before last Christmas.

A few weeks ago I took on another part time job, this time I didn’t have to give up my weekends. Well not for that job anyways. It is a great place to work, everybody is so laid back, it is refreshing. Upon starting there I have to admit that working there feels like going back in time as there are Playboy calendars all over the place, you just don’t see that in the work place these days.

My son Lucas finally took over sole possession of the most wins of the annual TAOEX championship. Congratulations to him and if anyone was going to unseat me, I am glad it was him.

Sadly, it was close to a year ago that my father passed away. No, it wasn’t due to covid-19. He was admitted to the hospital with a stroke just before the pandemic started and passed on soon after the first lockdown. No funeral, no memorial. It has been a little difficult for my mother since his passing but she is coping.

The hunt for the right property upcountry continues. It would be easier to find a nice piece of land if I were willing to buy a place with a house on it but I am not quite ready to move out of the city just yet.