Here’s a thought for you. Mainstream media sounded the alarm bell for global warming and what has the result been? The creation of a do nothing, transfer of wealth, tax on carbon. Turns out that the rise in air temperature, what most people think of global warming as, is not the thing that humanity should…
Voice Forensics in Artificial Intelligence – Who Knew?
We’ve all heard various things about AI or artificial intelligence. For me, AI was being developed through the collected information via search engines and then social media. My personal position has always been that the big breakthroughs in AI would stem from companies like Google. In fact, the accumulated personal data recorded by Google over…
Shhhh – We will tell you what to think!
The Globalists are set to screw people over in a big, big way today. Nobody controls the Internet with one very large exception; the IP addresses. The US government is handing this control over to ICANN today and with it the protection of Free Speech on the Internet. This might not mean as much to…
Donald – Sung to the tune of Sunshine by Jonathan Edwards
I was sitting around doing some work last night and I had Anchorman – The Legend of Ron Burgundy playing in the background. During one of the clips the music playing was Sunshine by Jonathan Edwards and while I was working I started singing along but I replaced the word Sunshine with Donald and got…
A Drone Outside Your Window What Do You Do?
So I had a rather morbid thought today as I went for my morning walk. As some of you know I enjoy crime dramas and documentaries and in some of these programs they perform a particular forensic test to determine from which direction a bullet was fired by tracing the trajectory with lasers pointers from…
Sand Wars – Who Knew?
I just finished watching a documentary called Sand Wars and talk about an eye opener. I like most of us outside of the aggregate industry take sand for granted. The stuff is used in just about everything, from the homes we live in to the bank cards we now use instead of money. It is…