A Drone Outside Your Window What Do You Do?

So I had a rather morbid thought today as I went for my morning walk. As some of you know I enjoy crime dramas and documentaries and in some of these programs they perform a particular forensic test to determine from which direction a bullet was fired by tracing the trajectory with lasers pointers from…

Black Bear along the Hoy Creek Trail Coquitlam BC

Yesterday was a bit unusual for me as I had back to back to back conference calls that started early in the morning and went through to mid-afternoon. The early morning start interfered with my daily walk leaving me the choice of going in the afternoon or just waiting until the evening which would make…

Better late than never…

Alright. I know it has been close to a month since my last post but what can I say, I’ve been busy. I am almost all moved in to the new digs out in Coquitlam, BC. I still have to move the remaining contents of my storage locker to the new place but there isn’t…

Sand Wars – Who Knew?

I just finished watching a documentary called Sand Wars and talk about an eye opener. I like most of us outside of the aggregate industry take sand for granted. The stuff is used in just about everything, from the homes we live in to the bank cards we now use instead of money. It is…

Coquitlam Bound

It might not have been my first choice but I am moving back to Coquitlam, North Coquitlam to be precise. The location itself is pretty good, close to all kinds of shops as there is quite a few strip malls within walking distance as well as a very large shopping centre. I am within walking…

Spring 2014

It was about this time last year when I decided to exorcize a curiosity by taking up residency in a small apartment above a store front. I am not sure where this curiosity came from but I have always wondered what it would be like to live over a business in a “down-town” type location.…