After close to ten years of giving out 100% free football predictions across the board in the NFL coupled with a healthy spattering of college football games week in and week out we are hanging up or prognosticator hats. We will also discontinue offering fantasy football advice as well. It isn’t a case of not enjoying the sport or the competition offered by fantasy football but rather it is just time to move on.
Originally started as a two part hobby; one for Bryan to showcase his extraordinary football knowledge and love for writing and two my need to test how Google performed when applying their guidelines for ranking in their search engines. For the most part the search giant acted as prescribed until they started employing human raters; after that the human factor just seemed to screw everything up but more on all of that later for those of you who are interested in Internet marketing.
A couple of season ago Bryan, our head football guy, decided to finish his education and went back to school to become an educator to which I am happy to report he succeeded. During this time Bryan also started a family and had his first child with his lovely wife. As you can imagine a new wife, child and career consumed most of his time and something had to give and sadly that came in the form of his available time. Rather than just go through the motions of producing fewer picks with greatly reduced analysis we simply decided that it was time to close down the service.
On behalf of Bryan, Papa Weimer, myself and everyone else connected to I want to thank you all for using our predictions and advice and hope that we have helped you in some way. We enjoyed reading your emails and questions over the years and can say with complete honesty that we did enjoy producing this content. At this time I am not sure where this site will go but I can safely say that there will no longer be any football content published on it. In the future should Bryan decide to put pen to paper again regarding football I will place a link to it on this site.
Until then please join with me in thanking Bryan, Papa and everybody else involved for all their hard work and sports opinions over the years and wish them well in the future endeavours.